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President Obama issues proclamation for National Domestic Violence Awareness Month.

On September 30, President Barack Obama issued a proclamation designating October 2009 as National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. The proclamation notes that despite the significant impact of the Violence Against Women Act of 1994, too many women and families remain affected by domestic violence. The proclamation asks all Americans to do their part to end domestic violence in this country by supporting their communities' efforts to assist victims to find the help and healing they need.

Read the proclamation Here

Biden Appoints Advisor on Violence Against Women

Vice President Biden, the author of the landmark Violence Against Women Act, announced on June 26, 2009 the appointment of Lynn Rosenthal as the new White House Advisor on Violence Against Women. This is a newly created position at the White House, dedicated specifically to advising the President and Vice President on domestic violence and sexual assault issues.

To see the White House's official press release on this groundbreaking appointment, click here.

6/10/09 - As you may know, the US  Census Bureau is preparing for the 2010 US Census. NNEDV recently released important information about the Census that can be found by clicking here.


Tech Safety Training

The Coalition will host a Technology Safety training on December 4, 2009 from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm with registration and continental breakfast at 9:30 am.  This training will address the ever changing world of technology and how it affects survivor safety.  This interactive training will introduce advocates to the risks and benefits of technology to victims and survivors as well as how to safety plan around technology.  Attend this workshop to learn and share your experiences regarding technology and safety.

The training will be held Friday, December 4, 2009 at the Sexual Assault Center, 101 French Landing Drive, Nashville, TN  37228. 

The cost of the training is $50 for members and $75 for non-members and includes a continental breakfast, lunch and all training materials.

Click here to register


Check our calendar for a list of Domestic Violence Awareness month events.





Tennessee Coalition against Domestic & Sexual Violence

The Tennessee Coalition Against Domestic & Sexual Violence is a private nonprofit organization composed of diverse community leaders and program members who share a common vision of ending violence in the lives of Tennesseans through public policy, advocacy, education and activities that increase the capacity of programs and communities to address violence.

As a statewide organization, the Coalition serves:

  • Domestic violence and sexual assault programs
  • Community groups and organizations
  • Criminal justice agencies
  • Allied professionals (medical, legal, mental health, etc.)
  • Individuals seeking information and resources
  • Immigrant victims of domestic or sexual violence, stalking or trafficking

Services Provided:

  • Technical Assistance
  • Training
  • Curriculum and Resource Development
  • Public Policy Advocacy
  • Newsletter Publication
  • Regional Educational and Networking Opportunities
  • Resource Library
  • Speaker's Bureau
  • Toll-free Information Line
  • Immigrant Legal Clinic



If you are in immediate danger, call 911. For resources in Tennessee call 1-800-356-6767 or 1-800-799-7233 (National Domestic Violence Hotline).

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